8 Killer Doughnut Shops Nearby
Personally, I think the doughnut shop has become the “it” bakery over the past year or two. They’re taking the place of “cupcakeries” that were, a while back, popping up on virtually every corner.
But they’re not new, those doughnuts. Doughnuts (unlike the modern icing-laden cupcake) have been around for a very. long. time. Centuries, even.
The geek in me likes to dig around for the history of things – especially foodie things. In this case, I wondered, what exactly is the history of doughnuts? Where’d they come from? How come they have a whole in the center? (And is it doughnut or donut? We’ll save that discussion for another day.)
Thanks to Smithsonion.com, my thirst for doughnut evolution knowledge was quenched.
It is true that the humble doughnut does have a convoluted past that involves Dutch immigrants, Russian exiles, French bakers, Irving Berlin, Clark Gable and a certain number of Native Americans. And, yes, in its democratic ethos, its optimism, and its assorted origins, it does seem rather quintessentially American.
Sweet. Eating doughnuts is American. Just one more reason I can support that.
I haven’t been to EVERY doughnut shop in the area. Shocking, I know. First I’ll share the three I have visited, and then I’ll move on to my bucket list of doughnut shop visits!
In total, you’ll have 8 killer doughnut shops nearby to stalk, and their goodies on which to gorge. How bad it that? It’s not. It’s AWESOME.
1. Glory Doughnuts
So much to love about this downtown doughnut shop. Glory Doughnuts sits on Church Street in Frederick, Md., and boasts a website with a noticeable hipster vibe to it. They offer only plant-based goodies in their shop, so when my vegetarian sister comes to visit, we don’t have to study the menu to ensure she gets a doughnut that doesn’t have, well, bacon on it. (Mmm…bacon.)
They’re into protecting the environment, ensuring their coffees and teas are all fair trade and pro-women, and they have REALLY. GOOD. DOUGHNUTS. (Pssst: you can also find them at Cafe Nola.)
2. Fractured Prune
With locations across the U.S. (including Frederick, Md.), Fractured Prune is one specialty doughnut shop that’s able to whet your appetite no matter if you live in Maryland or Arizona, and many places in between! What I love most is that the toppings are outrageous, and they serve the doughnuts fresh, hot, and made to YOUR order. Tons of glazes and toppings to pick from, and a rainbow of colors to make you smile.
3. Krumpe’s Do-Nuts
Two words: potato flour. Hidden in a back alley in Hagerstown, Md., Krumpe’s Do-Nuts is easy to miss, unless your first visit is with a veteran Krumpe’s connoisseur. (There’s a reason I know this.) Light, airy, no fuss – you want the plain glaze doughnut here. Trust me.
On the doughnut shop bucket list…
4. GBD
Golden brown delicious, that’s what GBD stands for. Their claim to fame (like another on this list) is doughnuts and fried chicken. FRIED CHICKEN AND DOUGHNUTS. I mean, why not? GBD is more of a cafe than a doughnut shop, serving breakfast, lunch, dinner, AND craft beer and wine. That’s worth a trek to Dupont Circle for some good eats. HELLO.
5. Astro Doughnuts & Fried Chicken
Wait. More doughnuts and fried chicken in D.C.? Astro Doughnuts & Fried Chicken serves up artisan doughnuts with “finger lickin’ good” (according to many reviews) fried chicken, southern-style. They have a crème brûlée doughnut that is, apparently, to DIE FOR. So, yes. A mini-road trip to NW Washington DC, is in order, I think.
6. Diablo Doughnuts
They may not have a website, but thanks to Facebook, I know is this: Diablo Doughnuts in Baltimore teamed up with Iron Rooster in Annapolis to serve up something called the El Diablo doughnuts sandwich. {drool} And if that wasn’t enough, the shots of their doughnuts at Fells Point Farmers’ Market are lick-your-screen divine. I need to make my way there…
7. Migues Magnificent Mini Donuts
Speaking of farmers’ markets, Migues Magnificent Mini Donuts is rumored to be out of this world, and can be found at the Baltimore Farmers’ Market, as well as the Patapsco Flea Market, on a weekly basis. If this review doesn’t make you want to drop everything on Saturday and find those perfect, tiny, delicate doughnuts, I’m not sure what will! P.S. The reviewer mentions that her patronus is a doughnut, so clearly she’s legit.
8. District Doughnut
I mean, the doughnuts of District Doughnut have stories, and the people behind them are busy reinventing American classics, and combining art and science into doughnut recipes of awesomeness! Beyond having doughnuts like Brown Butter and Cannoli, which sound amazingly ridiculous, they also celebrate other doughnut lovers with #DoughFace, and they have a blog. I love when businesses think outside the box when engaging with the community and their tribe. And when they serve yummy doughnuts.
Thanks for doing all the research on these great places! Can’t wait to try!
Liza Hawkins
This research isn’t a terrible task, let’s be honest. 😉
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