5 Places To See Fireworks Nearby
Is the holiday weekend sneaking up on you? Wondering where you might take in a spectacular display of patriotic pyrotechnic genius near you?
No worries. We’ve got your back.
With just days away from the 4th of July, it’s time to get it together and start solidifying your holiday firework viewing plans.
Be it a fancy spectacular display or a smaller celebration, we’ve got plenty of nearby options for you to choose from this holiday!
Frederick, MD
Frederick is full of Independence Day activities to enjoy with your family. Bath tub races at Baker Park, live music on multiple stages, tons of food and lots of activities will keep visitors entertained and engaged all day while you await the big show in the evening! Before you come, check out their fireworks viewing locations map to find a comfy place to watch the show around town.
More info: Frederick’s 4th
Baltimore, MD
Head to the Inner Harbor to enjoy the evening festivities starting with the United States Navy Band Cruisers at 7 p.m. The choreographed fireworks show will follow at 9:30 p.m. You can make a full day of it by enjoying some of the other festive events going on in the area, like the annual dog show at the American Visionary Art Museum, and the beach volleyball tournament planned for noon!
More info: Baltimore Inner Harbor 4th of July Celebration
Washington D.C.
The Independence Day celebration put on in D.C. is arguably one of the most spectacular in the nation, as it should be. Plan for a full day of revelry in and around the National Mall! You can go early and carve yourself a good watching spot, or you can enjoy the Independence Day Parade or the annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival first, and then head over to the Mall afterwards. Think about taking Metro (lots of streets are closed and parking is kind of nightmarish) and then plan to spend some time getting home (lots of people make clearing the mall a bit of a lengthy process); it’s well worth it, though, to see the show.
More info: National Mall Fourth of July Celebration
Gettysburg, PA
The awesome thing about celebrating the birth of our nation in Gettysburg is that you feel like you might actually be at America’s first birthday party! The entire city is a tribute to some of our nation’s most thrilling (and turbulent) history, so when you head there to celebrate, prepare to feel all kinds of patriotic. The Gettysburg event will also feature a concert, food, and drinks, including local craft beer and Adams County wine. Concert begins at 7 p.m., and the fireworks show pops off at 9:30 p.m.
More info: 4th of July Patriotic Pops and Fireworks
Northern Virginia
Leesburg’s Fourth of July celebration is a full day of fun for the entire family! Visitors can start the day off with a parade and then round out the evening with food, live music, and a spectacular fireworks display. Evening events begin at 6 p.m., and the fireworks make their appearance at 9:30 p.m.
More info: Leesburg Independence Day Celebration