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Pursuit of it All

13 Ways To Prioritize Your Life

You’re Never Getting Caught Up—And That’s Okay

Let me hit you with a cold, hard fact I had to learn the hard way: you are never, ever, ever getting caught up. (Cue Taylor Swift nod.)

There will never be enough hours in the day to cross everything off your to-do list. Not unless you’ve got a personal assistant, housekeeper, nanny, gardener, and maybe a fairy godmother on speed dial. And even then, life’s still going to throw curveballs.

As a working mom juggling a career, community volunteering, and a mild addiction to saying “yes” when I probably should say “no,” I’ve come to accept this inconvenient truth: the idea of “getting caught up” is a vicious lie invented to make women feel perpetually guilty. (Whoever dreamed this one up, I’d like a word.)

The Turning Point: A Frog Changed My Life

A few years ago, I stumbled across a book that completely reframed how I approach life. And no, it wasn’t a self-help book with a pastel cover and vague promises of “balance.” It was Eat That Frog: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy.

Yes, eat that frog. Gross? Absolutely. But stay with me. The premise is simple: tackle the hardest, ugliest, most intimidating task on your list first thing. It’s counterintuitive (because hello, avoidance is a lifestyle), but once you try it, it’s like flipping a productivity switch.

But that’s just one nugget of wisdom in this book. The 13 principles I’m about to share aren’t just tips—they’re lifesavers. They’ve helped me prioritize, streamline, and stop sweating the small stuff (mostly).

So, grab a cup of coffee, a notebook, and maybe a snack (not a frog). Let’s dive in.

13 Ways to Finally Prioritize Your Life

1. Plan Every Day in Advance

Write it down, people. Don’t trust your overloaded brain to remember everything. For every minute you spend planning, you save 5–10 minutes in execution. (That’s actual math, and I don’t argue with math.)

2. Apply the “80/20 Rule” to Everything

Here’s a revelation: 20% of what you do accounts for 80% of your results. So why waste energy on the 80% that barely matters? Focus on the tasks that really move the needle.

3. Focus on Key Result Areas

Ask yourself: what has to get done today for things to function? Prioritize those. Everything else can wait—or get delegated.

4. Obey the Law of Forced Efficiency

“There’s never enough time for everything, but there’s always enough time for the most important thing.” Identify what matters most and let go of the rest.

5. Do Your Homework

Procrastination often comes from feeling unprepared or unsure. (I felt this in my soul.) Learn what you need to know to tackle your tasks with confidence.

6. Leverage Your Special Talents

What’s your superpower? Lean into it. The more you focus on what you’re uniquely good at, the more valuable—and efficient—you become.

7. Identify Your Key Constraints

Figure out what’s holding you back. Hint: most of the time, it’s internal. (Ouch, I know. But awareness is the first step, right?)

8. Take It One Oil Barrel at a Time

When faced with a massive task, don’t panic. Break it into smaller, manageable chunks. One step at a time gets you to the finish line.

9. Put the Pressure on Yourself

Work like you’re leaving for vacation tomorrow. (You know that energy when you’re racing to wrap everything up before heading out of town? Channel that.)

10. Maximize Your Personal Powers

Everyone has times when they’re most productive. Are you a morning person? A night owl? Schedule your toughest tasks for your peak hours.

11. Do the Most Difficult Task First

This is the infamous frog moment. Start your day with the hardest task, and everything else will feel like a breeze. (Okay, maybe a light wind. But still.)

12. Create Large Chunks of Time

Block out uninterrupted time to focus. No multitasking, no notifications, no distractions. You’d be amazed at how much you can accomplish.

13. Develop a Sense of Urgency

Stop overthinking and just start. Momentum is your best friend, and action leads to more action.

Ready to Eat Your Frog?

I’ll be honest—these principles aren’t always easy. Some days, I still want to hide from my “frog” and reorganize my spice drawer instead. (Procrastination is sneaky like that.) But these 13 strategies have helped me juggle all the things without feeling like I’m drowning.

So, what’s your frog? Take a deep breath, grab your fork (metaphorically), and dig in. You’ve got this. And who knows? You might just discover that being “caught up” was overrated all along.

Blogger. Marketer. Deadline juggler. Flibbertigibbet. A fan of all things glitter and girly, Jen’s passions include gabbing with girlfriends, running marathons, sipping (okay, gulping) cocktails and waxing poetic about the tortured soul of Professor Snape. Rarely found without her nose in a book (or her iPhone), she acknowledges that her level of geekery might not be for everyone. Consider yourself warned. Her ultimate goal in life is to be a professional wanderer of the internet or Amy Poehler’s BFF. (Both totally accomplishable, of course.)

Comments (9)

  • Carla

    My entire life shifted when I realized and chose to lead it with a sense and backdrop of urgency.

  • Great tips. I make a “to do” list everyday. I’m so happy when I can cross things off my list.

  • That was a post I needed to read. Thanks for outlining the great tips in your post. They will hold me over until I get around to reading what sounds like a very helpful book! I like number 13 too! I need to do that more.

  • Hi Jennifer! All 13 of your principals are good but I think THE MOST IMPORTANT is remembering that you will never, ever going to get all caught up. Oh, and the next one would be you will never get it perfect either! If you keep those in mind all the rest of your principals flow perfectly! Thanks for the reminders! ~Kathy


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