5 Things Families Love About Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Personally, I am not an amusement parker.
I visit them, under duress, to please my thrill seeking family.
I don’t like crowds, I don’t do heat, I hate being overcharged for random trinkets, and standing in line makes my back sore.
Despite all that, I usually wind up having a blast in between bouts of screaming in real fear for my life and moments of feeling like I may truly barf up every single piece of the delectable funnel cake I devoured for lunch. Because dang it, I love funnel cake. And seeing my kids laugh uproariously at my expense.
Good times.
Looking to feel barfy and frightened in the name of family fun?
Busch Gardens Williamsburg may be your answer!

Enjoy thrilling roller coasters and rides, animal encounters and great dining amidst a backdrop of charming European villages at Busch Gardens¨. ©2015 SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5 Things Families Love About Busch Gardens in Williamsburg
1. The food.
Seriously, there are certain places on this planet I go to primarily to enjoy the food: stadiums and amusement parks being two of those places. I’m never going to be won over by an amusement park’s rides (see above), but if they make an effort with the food I will pay the $50 entrance fee just to gorge myself on the awesome they’re serving. We filled our bellies on brats and fries in Das Festhaus.
2. Plenty of action rides.
The Dudes ranked the Verbolten, The Battering Ram, and Da Vinci’s Cradle as their top three. I stopped riding after the Verbolten so I can’t weigh in.

Busch Gardens® Williamsburg offers adventures for the entire family. Attractions at the European-themed park range from world-class coasters to scenic river cruises. ©2015 SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3. The amount of shade.
It was super easy to find a tree to wait under while my family enjoyed the roller coasters without me. Perfect for families with young children who need to take a heat break from time to time. Or anyone who really can’t take 95 degrees and 100% humanity (which I feel like is anyone with skin).
4. Photo ops.
Because the park looks so cool there are a ton of fun places to grab memorable photos. In fact, they’ve been voted the world’s most beautiful theme park for 23 years! So wipe your brow and smile pretty for the camera!
5. It’s perfect for kids of all ages.
Unlike Sesame Place that is largely pointed at the younger set, and Kings Dominion that has plenty of rides only tall people can ride, I feel like Busch Gardens is a good mix. With a range of ages in our family, this park was one with a good mix of rides and entertainment everyone could partake in.